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            Henry Ford was born in 1863 outside of Detroit. He left his family at an early age to pursue his interest in machinery. He married Clara Bryant in 1888, followed by the birth of his son, Edsel Bryant Ford, in 1893. Henry incorporated Ford Motor Company in 1903. He was the introducing producer of the infamous Model T, aka Tin Lizzie. He also was affiliated with other well-known investors from the Dodge family, known today as the car manufacturer Dodge. (PBS.Org)

            He basically used trickery to attain all controlling shares of Ford Motor Company. He wanted to be controlling owner so he falsely announced he would start a rivalry automobile company. Thus, with that announcement everyone sold their shares of Ford stock, and he purchased all of those sold shares, thus making him and his family the sole owners.

            “Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, either way you are right.” A popular phase by Henry used many times in speeches, therefore it is attributed to him.  To me, this means that you know your limitations. If you believe and know you can do something, then you will. But on the flip side of that coin, if you feel or believe that for some reason that you cannot attain something, whether because of mental or physical or resource limitations, then you will not achieve it. This is important in proving that your mindset can affect your outcome. Not that you many not try, but you just know deep inside your heart that you cannot attain said “thing”. The later section of that phase could also be perceived as you are only limited by your own believed limitations and constraints of your own mind.

            In his life I would say that one example of this phase was the desire to be the dictating and sole owner of his company. He devised a plan, even though it was dishonest, and followed through with his plan and achieved the sole ownership.

            In my life observation I would say that I have observed and lived an example of this statement in myself and many other “older” students in regard of going to college. As we have grown older and our minds have grown slower in some cases, we may doubt our ability to learn new things and succeed in those new things. I am here to say that no matter what age you are, you can always learn!




                                                                                                Works Cited


 "American Experience: TV's Most-watched History Series. Henry Ford" (PBS. Org)

       n.d. Web. 25 Jan. 2016.

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